I pray that you know the peace that passes all understanding that comes alone from Jesus Christ through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Although it is more difficult that as a church (the collection of saints) to gather, it is exciting to know that the Lord is working His purposes to His glory. It is in these times of adversity we can see God's hand at work. How can we find comfort in the midst of adversity? You know the answer - the Lord God Almighty is in the midst of thee (Zeph. 3:17). Now is the time to get close to God (James 4:8). Most (all?) of us know God has promised He will never leave us or forsake us (Dt. 31:6 and Heb. 13:5). Let's consider how we have this assurance and relish the situation:

You can also enjoy any good books that build up or teach the faith. CAREFULLY test the various TV ministries - you're ALWAYS welcome to contact Pastor David or myself for recommended viewing. Beware there is much so-called 'Christian' rubbish programs on there. The same may be said of the local FM radio stations: Salt 106.9 [Suncoast], 96five Family Radio 96.5 [Brisbane], and Cooloola Christian Radio 91.5 [Gympie].
Those who are blessed with access to the internet, there are a lot of wonderful and edifying Godly materials to teach and guide the saints. May I recommend anything from Ligonier Ministries [R.C. Sproul] and Grace to You [John MacArthur]. You can also search for hymns, documentaries and Bible movies. (Though again, be careful, they may be from an unChristian perspective).
Of course, if anyone needs a chat or prayer, please feel welcome to ring another church family member. I have been struggling with my own mental health and this isolation would normally be such a terrible impact, save for the grace of God! We may not be able to fellowship 'in person', but we can still commune with one another.
I look back through history and contemplate that even during the wars, we were not required to lock ourselves in for extended periods (days) with limited human contact, like we are asked currently. And during periods of plague and pestilence, the church (individual believers together) actually got our hands dirty helping the sick and suffering. But just as the Lord has carried us through droughts, floods, fires, cyclones, conflicts and other turmoils, we know from personal experience that He will carry us through this short trial. This is still our time to be salt and light, to the glory of God our Father (Mt. 5:13-16).
God bless you all.
Your brother in Christ.
~ John 0417 636 911