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Burnside, QLD, Australia

Friday, 28 February 2020

Personal Prayers

Prayer [1] is an offering up of our desires unto God, in the name of Christ, by the help of his Spirit; with confession of our sins, and thankful acknowledgment of his mercies.

For whom are we to pray? [2]

We are to pray for the whole church of Christ upon earth; for magistrates, and ministers; for ourselves, our brethren, even our enemies; and for all kinds of people living now, or who may live in the future; but not for the dead, nor for those that are known to have sinned the sin unto death.

For what things are we to pray? [3]

We are to pray for all things tending to the glory of God, the welfare of the church, our own or others good; but not for anything that is unlawful.  

How are we to pray? [4]

We are to pray with reverent recognition of the majesty of God, and deep sense of our own unworthiness, necessities, and sins; with penitent, thankful, and full hearts; with understanding, faith, sincerity, fervour, love, and perseverance, waiting expectantly upon him, with humble submission to his will.

TIPS for praying (acronym):
 A  adoration to Almighty God
C  confession of our sins and iniquities
thanksgiving for all His grace and mercies
S  supplications for our and others’ needs & God’s glory

~ John

 1.  LC178 (Westminster Larger Catechism - modern English; Rowland Ward, 2007)
 2.  LC183
 3.  LC184
 4.  LC185

Daily Devotionals

The holy Scriptures are to be read with an high and reverent esteem of them; with a firm persuasion that they are the very Word of God, and that He only can enable us to understand them; with desire to know, believe, and obey the will of God revealed in them; with diligence,  and attention to the matter and scope of them; with meditation,  application, self-denial, and prayer. [1]

TIPS for Bible study and “quiet time”:

1. Commit to a special time everyday [diligence & self-denial [2]].

2. Have a peaceful, quiet place to retreat [attention].

Pray for the Lord to speak to you through His Word [prayer].

Have a process to study His Word. Some examples are:

a) Our Daily Bread or similar devotional materials
b) Daily reading plan (found in the back of most Bibles)
c) Your own devised means of seeking Biblical answers

* many Bibles have Topical References of particular subjects or questions.  Google is a very fast Concordance. eg.   

** Follow the Cross References.  They compare with other Scripture references to show the uniformity of God’s decree throughout history (eg. prophecies fulfilled; teachings demonstrated; rewards, punishments and God’s clemency for commands, etc).

Think what the reading is about.  Is it exalting God?  Is it teaching you some lesson?  Does it answer your question, or do you need to look elsewhere in the Bible (cross references)? Do you need to ask God to change your life to be more holy like Christ? [meditation & application]

Use a journal to summarise what God has taught you in this time.  (This not only helps you remember, but when you look back later, you’re encouraged to see how God has answered your prayers & matured you). 

Pray about what you have studied, and ask the Lord to apply what you have learnt into your life [prayer & application].

~ John

LC157 (Westminster Larger Catechism - modern English; Rowland Ward, 2007)
2.  Can it really be called self-denial if you allocate time to enjoy with the Lord? 

Sunday, 2 February 2020

The Meaning of the Header Image

The header image is based around the open Word of God, the Bible.  It represents how all special revelation about God (יהוה YHWH or  אֱלֹהִים ELOHIM), the creator God of the Old and New Testaments is recorded in these Scriptures. 

This verse represents some of the means of grace the Lord uses to sustain the saints.  This is the Apostles' Doctrine mentioned in the Scripture reference in Acts 4:42.  [It follows on from the previous verse mentioning Baptism, a once-and-for-all sacrament (external sign representing an internal act of grace).]

The verse continues to list Fellowship; communion with the brothers and sisters in Christ.  Community worship (including worship together at church) is an integral component of Christian discipleship.

The Breaking of Bread, a reference for the Lord's Supper, is not just a memorial.  It is a powerful reminder of so many blessings the Lord has given (and will give) to us.

Finally, Prayers are our intimate communion with the Lord.  We offer up Adoration, Confess our sins, Thank Him for ALL things (good and bad) and Supplications (specific matters we seek His help, aligned with His will and eternal decree).  You will note these features' acronym spell A.C.T.S. - a handy guide on how to pray 😉

Collectively, all these means of grace the Lord can use in a believer's life to make them more Christ-like.
